Need an Installer

Here are some things to look for when hiring a Hurricane Shield installer in your area.

Finding a Qualified Installer

While Hurricane Shield is really designed for the average homeowner to install themselves, some people prefer to have them professionally installed.  We found that a few minutes of online research and some simple questions typically deliver very solid results.


When looking for someone to install Hurricane Shield, you'll want to ask a few very specific questions:

  1. Have you installed Hurricane Protection on homes in the area
  2. Does my garage door need to be protected (hint: the garage door is one of the most important things to protect and a good installer should know the answer to this question.
  3. Are you licensed and insured?
  4. Can you give me the names of 2 references in the area?
  5. Is a permit required in my area?


Most locations have license requirements for contractors and installers.  In many cases you can look them up in a online database.  At the very least, ask your contractor for a current copy of their license.


You always want to make sure the contractor is insured.  This is a must.  Having insurance that covers a poor install or damaging your property is pretty obvious.  You also want to make sure your Installer is covered in the event they get injured while working on your property. 


Many of our customers use online platforms as a tool to find reputable installers in their areas.  We've been told that sites like,, and Angie's List are great places to get reviews from others.