Hurricane Shield Fabric Installation
You must read through the installation guidelines and familiarize yourself with the installation drawings. Familiarize yourself with all safety guidelines, installation instructions and recommendations for anchors, ladders and tools. Always wear proper safety items including but not limited to, safety glasses, gloves, long pants and long sleeve shirts and enclosed toe rubber soled shoes. Anytime you are on a ladder or in a situation where you are elevated off the ground, you must wear proper fall protection. If you are not comfortable using any tool, climbing a ladder or heights of any kind, you should hire a licensed and insured contractor to complete the installation.
A typical window or door opening may have trim around it such as Wood or Stucco. The image below shows a typical window, window frame and trim around the window:

Tools you may need:
Concrete and or Concrete Block (CMU):
Hammer Drill and appropriate size masonry bit for anchor chosen, assorted other bits and drivers to install selected anchors (see anchor descriptions), level, appropriate ladder (if needed) tape measure, pencil/marker, and a level working surface to attach clips.
Wood frame:
Cordless Drill and appropriate size high-speed bit for anchor chosen, assorted other bits and drivers to install selected anchors (see anchor descriptions), level, appropriate ladder (if needed) tape measure, pencil/marker, and a level working surface to attach clips.
Wood frame homes are often covered with Brick. It is much easier to drill between the bricks so if you have brick, you may want to compare the spacing you will get on the Fabric Estimating Calculator to the spacing between your bricks. You cannot exceed the max spacing on the calculator, but you can reduce spacing for an easier installation. For example: If the Estimating Calculator tells you the spacing is 12” and measuring between the bricks comes closest at 9.25” then please note that when ordering so we can increase the number of clips and anchors.
Step 1:
Sort panels according to your initial measuring process, you should have started on the front left window of your home as opening #1. Mark the center of opening number 1 approximately 2-3” above the window of opening # 1. Locate Fabric panel for opening #1 and mark the center of the fabric panel at the top. The labeling on the panel will be the bottom left as shown below:

Continue marking all openings and Hurricane Shield panels. The next image shows how a panel will be oriented over a typical opening:

Step 2:
Please review the Clip attachment instructions. Prepare a flat working area that will allow you to safely attach the clips to the sides requested on your order form. The order form will also indicate the maximum spacing of the clips. Some openings may have the clips attached to the sides, some to the top and bottom and some on three sides, depending on how you placed your order. Make a mark on each Hurricane Shield Panel on each side indicated for clips on your order form. The span of the panel is clip to clip from one side to the opposite side. As shown below:

Step 3:
If you’re order specified the clips to be on the sides (stacked vertically) then clip #1 starts on the top left of the panel. Attach the first clip so that it is even with the edge of the Hurricane Shield panel as shown below (Hurricane Shield panel shown over the window below for illustration only. Panel should be on the flat working area you previously prepared for clip attachment):

Step 4:
Attach clip #2 to the top right just as you did on clip # 1, making sure that the clip is flush with the edge of the Hurricane Shield Panel:

Step 5:
Continue attaching clips down each side of Hurricane Shield panel DO not exceed the clip spacing shown on order for each opening. For example, if opening #1 shows clip spacing of 12” attached to the sides, you would measure 12” down from the anchor mounting hole on clip 1 and install clip #2. Make sure that the # 2 clip anchor mounting hole-center is no more than 12” from the anchor hole-center on clip #1. Continue down the fabric panel and end with a clip flush with the bottom edge of the panel. Repeat on the opposite side of the panel as shown below:

If you requested clips on 3 sides, repeat the same process on the third side. You do not need to start a third-side clip at the edge (or next to the first clip on the side), you would measure 12” from the first side clip anchor hole center to the anchor hole center on the third-side clip. Continue across the third-side until you have a clip centered within 12” of the clip at the edge of the panel as shown below:

Step 6:
Repeat the steps 2-5 for all panels making sure to apply the clips at the appropriate anchor spacing shown for each panel on your order. If you happen to have panels with clips oriented across the top and bottom instead of on the sides, repeat steps 2-5 but start clips in top edge and continue across until all clips are installed. Repeat again for the bottom.
If the bottom of your Hurricane Shield panel is to be attached to the slab or foundation, you will attach the clips every 12” starting from the edge of the panel. All clips attaching to the removable bottom angle are spaced at 12”.

Next you will hold the first panel up over the opening making sure to align the center of the fabric with the center mark above the opening you made earlier. This takes two people at minimum and is best with three, two to hold the fabric and one to mark the top left and top right anchor locations. Make sure the fabric is fully covering all sides evenly. Using a pencil or sharpie, mark the top left anchor hole and then the top right. Install the provided anchors into each hole by following the anchor installation instructions. Now attach the top left and top right clips to the anchors, letting the fabric hang.
Next you will mark all remaining anchor locations using the clips as your template. Continue installing remaining anchors. Once complete, test fit all clips to anchors. IF any clip does not quite fit you can adjust the clip location on the fabric. DO NOT try to adjust the anchor.
Continue this for all fabric openings.
Step 7:
Step 7 is only used if you have a Hurricane Shield panel that needs to attach to a removable floor mounted angle (see image next page. Please read this entire section before beginning. You will need to prepare the angle by drilling ¼” holes with a high speed drill bit in the vertical leg every 12” and located in the center of the vertical leg (You should have already attached the clips to the Hurricane Shield panel for this opening so you can use the clips to mark the hole locations before drilling. This angle has a 2” leg so the center is 1” down from the top. The first hole will be exactly 1” from the edge and 1” down from the top. After drilling the first hole, insert one of the supplied ¼” x 1” screws from the back side of the angle. Next, take one of the square flat washers and thread onto the screw making sure to have the pointed edges facing the angle. Once the washer connects to the angle, firmly tighten the screw with a #3 Phillips screw driver (or 7/16” wrench /socket if using a bolt). Attach the first clip to the screw you just installed and secure with one of the supplied Wing Nuts. Next, pull the second clip taught and mark the anchor hole-center. Drill and attach screw making sure that you drill 1” down from the top of the angle and at the center of the clip anchor hole. Continue drilling across, attaching screws and clips until all clips have been attached. Now remove the Wing Nuts and clips and set the Hurricane Shield panel aside. Example:

Step 8:
In order to mount the angle to the slab, you must first drill the anchor holes in the bottom leg which is opposite of the clip mounting screws you just installed. See image below:

Starting 2” in from the end of the angle, Drill a ¼” hole with a High Speed Drill bit in the center of the angle leg that sits on the slab. Now check the anchor spacing for this angle on your order form. The mounting anchors may be at a different spacing than the clips. Mark the rest of the anchor mounting holes making sure not to exceed the spacing on the order form. Drill the remainder of the anchor mounting holes making sure to keep centered on the angle. Once all holes are drilled, it is time to mount the angle to the slab.
Step 9:
Mark the slab at the center of the bottom of the opening requiring the removable floor mounted angle. Mark the center of the angle in a location that you can match up to the mark on the slab. The angle should be located flush with the vertical wall which is often tight against the home. Mark each anchor mounting hole with a permanent marker making sure the mark is easily visible. Set the angle aside and prepare to install the concrete anchors. Follow the appropriate anchor installation instructions and install all anchors. Once this is complete, place the angle over the newly installed anchors and attach with the supplied ¼” screws. Tighten hand tight.
Step 10:
Now that the angle is installed, attach the fabric to the screws projecting out of the angle. Starting from the left side, pull the fabric up tightly so that the first clip on the top left is positioned above the window in the same basic location as the first clip on all other openings. Mark the anchor hole and install the first anchor. Now attach the first clip to the anchor just installed. Use caution not to stretch the fabric too tightly to the right. When pulling the fabric taught to the top, use a firm pull and stay consistent across the top. Continue this process working left to right making sure to pull the fabric taught upwards and to the right until all anchors and clips are installed.
This completes the installation process.